
Personal Blog Post

Coming to know the love of God feels a bit like coming home. Like settling down in your favorite spot, right in the indent your body makes. It molds and fits and feels right and trustworthy and good. It feels warm and light and weighty with a kind of significance. And I am certain that it is the very best thing to know in life. To know the depth of fondness and tenderness meeting you each morning with the sun. The new mercy that slips into your bedroom with the sunlight. It dances and boxes, both gentle and strong and asks not demands that you pick it up and wear it. I want to wear mercy and gentleness and strength. Because the love of Christ is not fragile. It’s bold and bright.

I’m learning how to listen to the Spirit. Learning how to step back and hear him. Learning what his voice sounds like. It’s wild the way we can spend our whole lives following and never listening. I have always had this restlessness, this impatience, this charge-ahead-because-I-know-it-all attitude. I walk ahead of the Spirit. And because I’m so deeply loved, the Father is showing me how much I don’t know. And how much I strive.

If I’m honest, deep down I’ve adopted and fostered the lie that I’m not enough and that God has enough for everyone else but not for me. Like the parable of the talents, I have made friends with the idea that I have less. Two and not four. And I’ve worked to become content there. But the Spirit is calling me out of hiding, calling me to allow him to make up the enoughness. He is the gift that fills my cup. I don’t have to settle for less when the Spirit gives more. God has enough for me. I can lay down my striving at his feet.

I’m learning that being enough comes from a place of rest. A place of yoking myself to the Spirit, allowing his light and easy burden to cover me and all my striving. Because at the root of striving is creativity-stealing, freedom-binding fear. For as long as I have strived I have come up empty. Reached down into my heart and stirred up bleakness. Bleakness that bled into depression, depression that bled into bondage. But when I found my authority in Christ, I found my freedom. I found my identity, my voice, my courage.

I’m afraid God doesn’t have enough for me. And so I exchange my faith for something resembling works. I compete for his enoughness, I control, I compare. But I finally understand what it means when he offers me rest. He’s offering me his enoughness. He’s offering to fill me up. By the Spirit, I am full. I think that’s what Paul meant when he said he boasts all the more in his weakness. Because with more weakness comes more filling, more of the Spirit, more of the power. The weaker I am, the more power he gives. I’m not enough, but he is, and he has enough for me. I can enter into the boldness of his enoughness empowering me.

I want this to be a place of genuine humanness. Authenticity is as important to me as breathing. And I promise to show up, somewhere here in these words, in these little squares. Because this space is important to me. I’m done listening to the urgency of the world. Listening instead to that still small voice encouraging time for stepping back a little. I want to cultivate the most important thing. Time spent loving and being loved by the One who is seeking me out. Turning my heart to him. And so I’m learning to listen to his voice. Letting that grace the spaces I fill.  A good father doesn’t withhold good gifts. And as I sit with him, I trust that good gifts are coming in good time.

I’m finding the best parts of my day have become those early morning moments, cross-legged on the couch, eyes closed, face tilted towards the rising light. You’ll find me there. You’ll find me listening.

Kids Fighting Cancer Campaign

In the U.S. there are an estimated 43 children diagnosed with childhood cancer every day. That’s almost 16,000 children each year.

Childhood cancer is the most common cause of death by disease for children in America. This devastating disease steals the joy childhood should be filled with. What’s become even harder this year is the challenges that come from COVID1-9 on these families and children. Too often, these kids are left with weak immune systems that require an even stricter quarantine. Not only is their day-to-day life filled with doctor’s appointments and treatments but it’s filled with another layer of caution, worry, and fear. The option to walk down to the neighborhood park just isn’t a reality for these families.

That’s where we step in.

We are Roc Solid Foundation, a nonprofit that donates playsets to children with cancer. We have the unique opportunity to donate 200 playsets to families heartbroken by childhood cancer for Christmas this year and we need your help. By donating, even donating just $1, we believe we can reach our goal of $300,000 and 200 playsets by Christmas. Not only would you be providing joy, but you would be providing hope to families who feel like they are fighting alone. You would be providing a safe and controlled environment to play and escape the harsh realities of fighting childhood cancer while taking one more stressor off the parents having to protect their kids from exposure to additional sickness from this deadly virus.

Here’s what one of our families had to say about the playset they received for their son Jacob.

“We truly cannot thank you enough for the joy you have brought our son and our whole family. The playset really brought life back into our world at the time when we needed it most… it has been so refreshing to watch him laugh and play and we love seeing him so happy.”

Let’s remind these families that they are not alone in the fight against childhood cancer. Let’s fight with them and for them by stepping into the fight with our contributions. Let’s provide sweet memories and laughter in perhaps the hardest season these families will have to walk through. Most importantly, let’s bring joy and hope to a child with cancer this Christmas

April Fools Blog: New Flavor Alert: Kale-ifornia Dreamin’

Say hello to the queen of green and your new friend with benefits… KALE!

We are so stoked to introduce our newest flavor *drum roll please*

Kale-ifornia Dreamin’

Oh, kale YES.

We’re taking plant-based to a whole new level and channeling our inner crunchy, granola, west-coast side with this delicious new flavor of vegan ice cream. The vibes we harvested to make this ground-breaking, non-dairy, gluten-free ice cream are rich and earthy, cool and nutritious, sustainable and very, VERY green.

Move over kale chips, we’ve created something even more plant-powered and delicious!

Made with a combination of curly, lacinato and red Russian kale, Kale-ifornia Dreamin’ is the healthiest non-dairy ice cream on the market. Cholesterol-free, fat-free, low-sodium, low-calorie, it really is a dream come true.

This salad-in-a-pint is fresh and crisp with chunks of tender kale blanketed by a sea of the smoothest, earthiest kale-infused ice cream imaginable. The marriage of natural, earthy flavors alongside the sweet ones strikes a delicate balance between healthy eating and dessert.

But don’t be fooled by the word “dessert.” One pint of Kale-ifornia Dreamin’ has five servings of vegetables, so it will get you to your daily veggie quota in no time. So stop forcing yourself to eat a side of broccoli or green beans. Trade in that veggie platter for a pint of Kale-ifornia Dreamin’ ice cream!

No more begging your kids to eat their greens, Kale-ifornia Dreamin’ going to be the first thing they grab from the freezer. Who knew healthy food could taste this good?

This plant-based ice cream has more iron than beef, more calcium than milk and ten times more vitamin C than spinach. The nutrients packed into this non-dairy ice cream offers a wide range of health benefits for your whole family.

Oh, did we mention the health benefits?

That’s right! One recent study, people who ate Kale-ifornia Dreamin’ saw measurable improvements in bone density, eyesight and digestive health. Study participants also reported glowier skin, stronger nails and shining hair.

Did you ever think you would be able to ditch supplements for ice cream? Because between the fiber, vitamins, calcium and antioxidants packed into this non-dairy ice cream, this superfood will make you feel superHUMAN. You can kiss your medical bills and sick days goodbye!

Our most sustainable flavor to date.

Have we mentioned how GREEN this flavor is? And we’re not just talking about the color (or the kale). We’re talking about how healthy this flavor is for the environment!

Kale is a regenerative food that puts back into the soil what gets taken out. So, when you’re snagging a pint of Kale-ifornia Dreamin’, you’re also looking out for Mother Earth! You’re rolling up your sleeves and getting to work helping our planet by eating more sustainably.

Don’t kale our vibe by just taking our word for it.

Kale superfans are leaving rave reviews about this new flavor:

“Kale-ifornia Dreamin’ is even better than my favorite fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies. It’s sweet and creamy, but also earthy and fresh.” —Eaton Wright

“I have never tasted anything so cruciferous. The chunks of kale in this ice cream just melt in your mouth!” —Imer Abbit (self-proclaimed kale fanatic)

We’re telling you—you do not want to miss this flavor. So, take good kale of your body and be on the lookout for this brand new flavor coming this spring!

Order a crispy pint of Kale-ifornia Dreamin’ with your next SweetPea order! Use the code APRILFOOLSBABYWEGOTYOU at checkout for FREE shipping!

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Headline: “This is everything and more!’ 🤌

And it won’t break those new year’s resolutions. We’re talking ice cream that’s “so freaking good” you’re gonna wanna try this ish. Ice cream that really is *chef’s kiss.*

This rain-fed little chickpea is not only packed full of fiber and good for your stomach but leaves a smaller footprint to help the environment.

What are you waiting for? Shop SweetPea online! ⚡️